Review: oMaps (offline Maps)
Category: Navigation
Seller: Thomas Bonnin
Price: $ 0.99
Requirement: iPhone or iPod touch, OS 3.0 or later What's good: Maps on your iPhone are a great way to help you navigate and search for places of interest, but we all know some areas don't have extensive 3G coverage. Meanwhile, EDGE and GPRS can be really slow alternatives. Enter oMaps, an application that lets you save an unlimited number of maps that you can view anytime - without need for internet connectivity! It's easy to use - just search for a location, pinch or zoom to get more or less details, then hit the save button and type a name for your new map. There's also an option to add placemarks so it's even easier to remember where your favorite places are. With this application, you'll find your way through cities and streets with confidence and ease.
Suggestions for improvement: The small map size limit gets in the way of what would otherwise be the perfect maps application. Think about adding map stitching functions so users can view larger areas.
Interface - 4/5 Creativity - 4/5 Experience - 4/5 Controls - 5/5
App-reciation - 4.25/5
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