Review: 2Do - A Stunning To Do List
December 16, 2009
, Posted by App-reciation Reviews at 11:59 PM
Category: Productivity
Price: $ 5.99
Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch, OS 3.0 or later

What's good: With the amount of to-do applications in the AppStore, there's usually not much to differentiate between one and the next, but anyone browsing through iTunes will definitely take a second to pause and check out 2Do: A Stunning To Do List. If the eye-catching interface wasn't enough to stop you in your tracks, the unbelievable set of features surely will. This app boasts of extremely detailed and useful functions - and first on that list is its main attraction, the tabbed calendar, which lets you group to-do's into separate color-coded sections that can switch between list, expanded, and calendar views. To add a new task, simply tap the plus bottom on the upper right and type a name or subject. You can choose to be as specific as you wish by setting a priority, picking a due date, and attaching a note or image. The new update also comes with a handy 'actions' option, which lets you link to specific actions such as calling a contact or browsing a site on the internet. Once you've created entries, you can opt to be notified by an alarm, push message, or e-mail. In addition, there are various smaller elements scattered throughout the app, such as repeating tasks, focus filters, and password protection, that makes for a really great experience. As a finishing touch, you can download a separate program for free to be able to sync everything to iCal on your Mac. Amazing? We think so. It seems the developers meticulously outlined everything a to-do app should have and came up with an extremely polished and feature-packed organizer that's a step ahead of others in the same category. This is definitely a must-buy!
Suggestions for improvement: Add sync support for Microsoft Outlook calendars and a start/end time option.
Interface - 5/5 Creativity - 4.75/5 Experience - 5/5 Controls - 5/5
App-reciation - 5/5
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