Press Release: Neon Designz 2.1
January 17, 2010
, Posted by App-reciation Reviews at 8:39 PM
The new and improved Neon Designz 2.1 is here with a completely redesigned user interface!
Neon Designz gives you an unique way to enhance a picture, send a message to a special friend (or someone you want to become a special friend) or see your name in Neon. You can also save your design to your photo gallery or e-mail them directly from the application.
What sets Neon Designz apart from other drawing/coloring/neon iPhone apps is all of the configuration options. You can adjust the size of the Neon Lights, turn the glow on or off, set the line stability feature, choose from over a hundred colors for the background and for the neon lights and use one of your own photos as the background.
Neon Designz has the ability to e-mail your design right from the application. This new feature allows you to create free-form greeting cards or e-mail unique and fun pictures to your friends.
We have added an 'Undo' button that will allow you to remove the last Neon light that you drew.

Here is a list of some Neon Designz features:
* Use any image in your Photo Gallery or choose from over 100 available colors as your background.
* Take a snapshot of your design to save in your Photo Gallery.
* E-mail your design or greeting card.
* Chose from over a 100 available colors for your Neon Lights, instead of the usual four to five colors.
* Undo button, that will allow you to undo the last light that you drew.
* The ability to adjust the thickness of your Neon Lights.
* A Configurable Line Stability setting to help you draw straight lines.
* Ability to turn the glow off or on.
* Can clear the Neon Lights by either triple tapping the screen or using the 'Clear' button.
Neon Designz is an unique app that will give you hours of fun and enjoyment.
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