Review: Enjoy Philippines
January 7, 2010
, Posted by App-reciation Reviews at 10:08 PM
Category: Lifestyle
Seller: Giro AppSolutions Inc.
Price: FREE
Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch, OS 3.0 or later

What's good: Enjoy the best of the Philippines with this free and useful iPhone application from Giro AppSolutions, now updated with even more features and services. Enjoy Philippines gives you all the information on the hottest establishments in the country's three most happening locations - Manila, Cebu, and Boracay - from pictures, descriptions, and services, to phone numbers and addresses. It also details applicable privileges for Enjoy voucher and cardholders, so if you're part of the Enjoy program, now there's no need to carry around that thick complementary directory to look up the discounts you want. The search function lets you quickly find a participating business, or if you don't have a specific place in mind, you can search by category. Whatever you're in the mood for - a night out on the town, a shopping trip with girlfriends, a relaxing time at the spa, or a fun trip with family, you'll definitely find something to cater to your interests. If you think this sounds great, wait until you hear about all the new things that have been added. Among the most notable changes are the 'Near Me' feature, which allows you to view all member enterprises near your current location and works extremely well with all the different views built into the app - map, satellite, and hybrid. There's also a remarkable augmented reality option for iPhone 3GS users, but this fun experimental extra is hidden and you'll have to figure out how to reveal it. As a hint, try making some of the usual motions with your device and see if it doesn't unlock AR. Finally, when you search for, say a particular restaurant or clothing store, now you can see all its branches/outlets in map view via the newly added Establishment Map. All this makes for an excellent and highly useful innovation, with a near-flawless interface that makes it easy for users to find what they want. Tourists and locals alike will love this well-executed application, and if you come under either classification, we highly recommend this must-have!
Suggestions for improvement: Show establishment branches in a list that's integrated into the map, and add sound effects to complete the package.
Interface - 5/5 Creativity - 4.75/5 Experience - 4.5/5 Controls - 5/5
App-reciation - 4.75/5
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