Review: Happy Tree Friends - Slap Happy
January 5, 2010
, Posted by App-reciation Reviews at 1:43 PM
Category: Games
Seller: Publisher X
Price: $ 0.99
Requirements: iPhone or iPod touch, OS 2.0 or later

What's good: Are you one of those avid Happy Tree Friends fans who watch all their episodes religiously? If you are, then you've probably long been hoping to see an app on iTunes so you can experience the show's trademark 'gory humor' right from your iPhone or iPod touch. Well, the wait's over, because Publisher X has taken it upon themselves to create a hilarious entertainment mobile title based on Mondo Media's most popular series. Happy Tree Friends: Slap Happy allows you to play with the cute and sweetly innocent Cuddles in a variety of ways. Since he's all alone in a small room, he gets pretty bored and will need some attention from you. Tap to poke him and flick or shake to throw him against the four walls of your screen until he's bruised and teary eyed from the abuse, or select from a collection of deadly 'toys' to make things more exciting. You'll laugh out loud as the helpless and trusting little bunny gets drilled into a bloody half, smashed into bits by walls of spikes, or horrendously choked by a steel pipe. Of course, after that kind of treatment he'll just lie or stand immobile where you leave him, but you can always revive him with skillful CPR administration or a hearty dose of electricity. A strong shock will bring him back to life as happy and adorable as ever, so you can start the torture all over again. Anytime you're bored, or in the mood to indulge your destructive side, just pick this up and have a truly entertaining time. All in all, $ 0.99 gives you a whole lot of fiendish fun and is definitely a great price for this one-of-a-kind app!
Suggestions for improvement: We'd really like to see more of everything in future updates - more HTF characters, more interaction options, more toys, and hopefully more interesting background selections too.
Interface - 4/5 Creativity - 4.5/5 Experience - 3.5/5 Controls - 4.5/5
App-reciation - 4/5
Yes, I am one of those avid who loves to watch Happy Tree Friends Episodes. It's best cartoon series which never disliked by anyone. All episodes are always full of entertainment, fun, love parts. It's too hardly to miss it's any episode.